TRACKBACKS DISABLED -- but manually available

Spammers have been trying to leave trackback spam at such a prodigious rate that PowWeb disabled my account. They insisted that the index.php was the problem (twice!), but the statistics clearly show that it's the comment.php, and it received 27000 hits. I actually had to disable the main page to convince them to turn my account back on.

That's right; I'm paying for the account, but spammers thought that it was somehow their right to shut me out of it. "Biting the hand that feeds you" applies, somehow, although the only thing I'd ever feed {profanity deleted} spammers would be poison. Not some quick, painless poison, either; I'd use a slow, excrutiating, see-you-in-Hell kind of poison. Something that would cause them to lose control of their own bodily functions. Then I'd laugh at their funerals. There's not a court that would convict me.

I'd even happily go to Hell for the sin of murder, although I'd argue that spammers aren't human, and therefore my acts don't constitute murder. If I did get sent below, though, they'd better start praying -- if that even helps the Damned. I wouldn't have the kindhearted mercy the demons would demonstrate.

If you really were interested in my article, that's cooler than I can express! I'll be delighted to exchange links -- real, Google-significant links -- with you. Just send an email DON'T CLICK THIS LINK! to Except, of course, I'm judebert, and I don't live at; I live here,

So, in summary: if you're a user, thanks for trying to link to me, and please drop me a line or leave a comment in the article (so sorry for the inconvenience). If you're a spammer, Die In A Fire.
